Roof. Roof. Sell Your House?
by Cascade United Roofing
Selling your house in the current housing environment while competing with hundreds of other sellers for those often time elusive buyers, takes having an edge.
When its time to put your house on the market, take a good look from the sidewalk and decide if your homes roof is an asset or a liability. Is your homes roof hidden by large trees, three stories high, or is it more visible than most parts of the home? Remember, you only get one opportunity to make a great first impression: and if its your roof that they see first, then make sure it shines.
Most residential roofs are not replaced because their leaking. They are replaced because they look poorly or are in rundown condition. Once you have decided that a roof makes sense for you, go to your local roofing distributor (they typically have displays of roofing materials) and investigate your roofing options. When you find a roofing product that best suits your budget and will add value to your homes appearance, call a roofing contractor to get a roof bid.
Remember, it’s not the cost of the roofing product, it’s the amount of return (sale price / ROI) that is important. Whatever you spend correctly on a new roof for your house, will come back many fold.