Do I need to get prepared for the installation of my new roof?
by Cascade United Roofing
Yes! The installation of a new roof can range from a loud freeway to an earthquake in both noise and vibration severity. If you work from home or have pets, make a plan on how to best work around the racket. Basements are typically much quietier, vaulted areas are generally the loudest.
The installation of a new roof will commonly affect you in an additional way: the possibility for debris in the attic, garage and outside areas. Discuss with your roofing contractor how to best protect these areas. Last but not least, come up with a plan for accessing your vehicle during the roofing process and how to safely enter and exit your home. The good news is , if you hire a responsible roofing company, open a good line of communication, it should go smoothly and be over in a few short days.