Hiring A Roofing Professional: The Small Details
by Cascade United Roofing
Hiring A Roofing Professional: The Small Details
If you are in the process of finding a roofing professional, then it’s very important to be aware that apart from checking the primary requirements like permanent address, fixed telephone number, business license, proof of insurance coverage and references, there are many minor details that can matter. Even though there isn’t an infallible way of differentiating between a good and a bad contractor, the following questions could help.
Q1. How will my house/building and landscaping be protected?
A good roofing contractor will protect your property and yard by making use of plywood and tarps. Scaffolding can also help in protecting sensitive areas. Do they use magnetic brooms after the job is complete to pick-up nails and sharp metal scraps?
Q2. Will toilet facilities be provided by the roofing contractor?
A roofing contractor that cares about him men and the customer will provide toilet facilities for the job site. It’s not fun to find someone in the bushes nor is it fun to have to drive 10 blocks just to take a bathroom break.
Q3. Does the company adhere to no smoking policy on the job site?
A no smoking policy should not only be mandatory on the roof top but also on the premises. If you are going to allow smoking on-site, according to health and safety requirements, these smoking zones must be specifically designated.
Q4. During the implementation of roofing project, with whom shall I communicate?
In the absence of good communication, you may not get the roofing installation you expect. A good roofing company will assign a full time supervisor who will be available to discuss possible problems and solutions with you right from the very beginning of the project. On completion of the project, he should inspect each and every aspect of the roofing system before submitting his inspection report. Ask to see a copy of this report.
Q5. Will the warranty details regarding labor and material be provided in writing?
A roof warranty can help you by getting a material or installation problem fixed for no cost in case of a leak or failure problem in the future. Make sure you are provided this warranty in writing – both the labor and material details.
Q6. How much down payment will have to be made?
A reputable roofing contractor will not ask for a large down payment before starting the project. Payments based on a completion schedule are reasonable but need to be verified. The final payment is based on the job being complete, inspected and passed.
Q7. Will the old roofing material be recycled?
A conscientious roofing company is always environmentally friendly and recycles whenever possible. As a matter of fact, some companies can recycle almost 90% of your old roof debris.